[A]================================================== ===================
ACK(-KNOWLEDGEMENT) of communication; "OK", "Thank you", etcetera.
ADMIN(-ISTRATION) cult bureacracy, laid down in great detail.
AFFINITY, cult word for love or liking.
ARC / Affinity Reality Communication: signifies "rapport".
ARCX/ARC BREAK: argument, cross puposes, abscence of rapport.
ARS / Alt Religion Scientology: newsgroup, mainly critical, about CoS.
ACT / Alt Clearing Technology: newsgroup for independent scientologists.
ARS-CC (Central Committe) secret cabal which is of course plotting all
activity on ARS financed by drug companies & the Markab Confederacy.
AUDITING: scientology confessional ritual; AUDITOR administers it.
BANK, MEMORY- or REACTIVE MIND, stores up hurtful memories (ENGRAMS).
BARRATRY(English word), bringing lengthy and vexatious lawsuits.
BASH: favourite FREEZONE word for "criticise", to discourage analysis.
BEINGNESS: being something. Similarly DOINGNESS, HAVINGNESS.
BIG WIN: maginificent achievement, usually spiritual i.e. imaginary.
BILLION YEAR CONTRACT, for many lifetimes, signed in the SEA-ORG q.v.
BLOW: depart suddenly (fifties slang), leave the cult.
BTs/BODY THETANS: degraded spirits parasitic on the bodies of others.
BRIDGE (TO TOTAL FREEDOM) progress through levels of Scn enlightenment.
CULT AWARENESS NETWORK,formerly anti-cult organisation taken over by Scn
CASE(-STATE), your progress in Scn, seen as a sort of psychotherapy.
C/S, CASE SUPERVISOR, person supervising AUDITORS and their clients.
CLAMS: HUBBARD says humans evolved from them, hence nickname for Scienos
CLEAR: having achieved the first main step to Scn enlightenment.
COGNITION: sudden new insight, the desired end point of an AUDITING
process; the Cog for CLEAR is "I am mocking up my reactive mind".
COMMODORE: HUBBARD, a rank he awarded himself; also CommodeDoor etc.
CoS/Church of $cientology (abbreviation).
DAMNATION NAVY: sarcastic nickname for the SEA ORG(after Salvation Army)
DEAD-AGENT: to respond to argument with frenzied personal attack on the
speaker to discredit them. DECLARE someone an S.P.; excommunicate them.
DIANETICS: original psychotherapy form of Scn, before it got religion.
DISCONNECTION: being told by Scn to cut links with friends or family.
DM, DAVID(*)MISCAVAIDGE--the symbol signifies buttocks round a
puckered anus--current leader of Scn; also POODLE-BOY, TIDYBOWL MAN &c.
DYNAMICS are in order 1self 2family 3tribe...8the_infinite;
"2D" means (as an activity) sex or (as a person) partner.
ED/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: head of an ORG (q.v.)
E-METER: skin resistance meter used to detect reaction in AUDITING.
ENGRAM: a remembered moment of pain inhibitting future actions.
ENTURBULATE: cult word for annoy, harrass, disturb.
EP/END PHENOMENON: desired end result of a Scn AUDITING process.
ETHICS: discipline applied for low production / department applying it.
EXTERIORISE: leave the body and act as a spirit.
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[F]================================================== ===================
FAIR GAME: to subject an enemy of Scn to harassment & dirty tricks.
FSM/Field Staff Member: Scn travelling salesman on 15% commission.
FLAG: centre of command---formerly on Hubbard's ship, now in Florida.
FLUB: to fail, or cock it up; a failure, a cockup (50s slang)
FLUNK!you have failed, start again! (50s american slang)
F/N, FLOATING NEEDLE, on the E-METER signifies calm contentment.
FREEZONE, FREEZONER: independent scientology, scientologist outside CoS.
G.I.,GROSS INCOME statistic for an ORG--what $cientology is all about.
G.O.,GUARDIANS OFFICE: dirty tricks department, now renamed O.S.A.
GRADES or levels within Scn (specifically grades 0..7 lead up to CLEAR).
GREEN-VOLUMES are directives on ADMIN, red volumes directives on TECH.
HANDLE: favourite cult word for "deal with" (a person, situation, etc).
HAT: a job function; HATTED trained for a hat (from 19thC railways,
where different kinds of hat indicated different kinds of job).
HCO/Hubbard Communications Office. An HCO-PL/Policy Letter would be
on ADMIN, an HCO-B/Bulletin on TECH.
HUBBARD, L. RON: f(L)ounder of Scientology; also PHATSO, EL ROTUNDO &c.
'HO (OF BABBLE-ON): Scn trained attack-lawyer Helena Kobrin (ARS usage).
IMPLANT: delusion implanted in us by the forces of evil.
INCIDENT, or ENGRAM, pain memory; INCIDENT2, that described in O.T.3.
INDICATE: produce a reaction on the E-METER; informally, to "ring true".
INVALIDATE: belittle, diminish, make less capable.
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[K]================================================== ====================
KoX/Knight of XEMU(q.v),title taken by critics after demon figure in Scn
KR /Knowledge Report: ratting on your colleagues in writing.
KSW/Keep Scn. Working: key directive("no deviation from orthodoxy").
LAZARUS,'Bot (computer program)detects cancelation of any article on ARS
LINES, Scn training & services; ON-LINES consuming training & services.
LO/LAWNORNAMENT disparaging name for a dwarf(SF books),hence MISCAVAIDGE
MARKAB, a star in Polaris from which the forces of evil supposedly come.
MAA ,Master At Arms, responsible for ETHICS in a SEA-ORG unit.
MEATBALL: derogatory FREEZONE term for a materialist, opp. of DreamBall.
MEST-Matter, Energy Space and Time: the illusory physical universe.
ML=MUCH LOVE, sign-off favoured by HUBBARD and some Scienos.
MOCK UP: imagine, visualise, mentally create.
M/U--Misunderstood Word, supposedly source of all failure to understand
or agree cult texts; a way of stopping thought & discouraging questions
NARCONON, Scn drug rehabilitation front group to scam medicaid funding.
N.E.D,NEW ERA DIANETICS, is DIANETICS revised to include past lives &c.
N.E.D. for OTs (NOTS), now replaces O.T.LEVELS 4 through 7.
OPERATION SNOW-WHITE, an operation by the G.O. to infiltrate government
departments and steal files hostile to Scn.
OPERATION FOOT-BULLET, alleged operation by Scn to get sympathy by
shooting themselves in the foot through disastrous public relations.
ORG(-ANISATION), a Scn local operation or "church" and its building.
O.S.A./OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS, dirty tricks dept formely the G.O.;
insiders sometimes pronounce it "OhZer" rather than as separate letters
O.T. /OPERATING THETAN, a THETAN (soul, spirit) able to leave the body
at will and attain godlike powers; O.T.LEVELS, I..VIII, courses
supposed to produce this state. O.T.3 in paricular introduces XEMU
and the key idea of BODY THETANS.
OUT-ETHICS, in breach of disciple; OUT-2D breach of discipline re sex.
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[P][Q]================================================== ================
PC/PRE-CLEAR: subject receiving AUDITING to reach the state of CLEAR.
PT /PRESENT TIME: Scns aim to live unreflectively in PT.
PTS/POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE (for the cult); member in touch with
an evil influence or SUPPRESSIVE PERSON.
PURIFICATION RUNDOWN: a step taken early in the grades which involves
lots of sweating in saunas and dangerously high doses of vitamin pills.
RAW MEAT: chumps, punters, potential recruits.
R(-OUTINE) 2, processes to exteriorise the spirit from the body;
R2-45, R2 process#45, exteriorising by use of a large calibre pistol.
R(-OUTINE) 6, that used in the clearing course; but the related R6
IMPLANT turns up in O.T.3 etcetera and is the source of christianity.
RUD(-IMENT)S: preliminary questions to deal with current upsets or
concerns before proceeding with the main part of AUDITING.
RUN, "run an (auditing) process on a PreClear", take then through the
steps or questions. RUN-DOWN complete set of steps or questions.
REG(-ISTRAR): salesperson in an Org; to REG someone, sell them courses.
RICE & BEANS, punishment diet on R.P.F.
RTC/RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTRE, body to enforce CoS copyrights.
SAINT HILL manor, the UK HQ, formerly HUBBARD's residence in England.
SCAMIZDAT, samizdat (self-publishing) about scams, a person{s} who
distributed Scn secret crud anonymously all over the Internet.
SCIENTOLOGY--means "science of knowing"--a quack therapy disguised
as a religion, devised in 1950 by a conman called L.Ron HUBBARD.
SEA-ORG: originally the ORG (parish) based round Hubbard on his ship
the Apollo, now a sort of religious SS in paramiltary naval uniforms.
SOURCE: Hubbard; ON-SOURCE: correct in accord with Hubbard's writings.
SP/SUPPRESSIVE-PERSON: enemy, excommunicated; a title taken on freely
by critics who award SP-Levels for achievement in mockery of O.T.LEVELS
SQUIRREL: heretic, FREEZONER, scientologist independent of the "church".
STAT(-SISTIC)S of production, by which eveything is measured.
TECH(-NOLOGY), the beliefs and quack therapies of Scientology.
THETAN, soul or spirit; THETA = good vibes; ENTHETA = bad vibes.
TONE SCALE: along which various emotions are arranged. Critics, gays,
and other meanies are at "TONE 1.1". TONE 40 = popeyed and screaming
orders like a loon (supposedly, in total control of the situation).
TRs/TRAINING ROUTINES: staring without speaking and other drills
prepartory to giving or receiving AUDITING.
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[]================================================== =================
WALL OF FIRE, destruction of the world by fire in INCIDENT2 of O.T.3.
WOG, derogatory Scn name for non-believers (in British English it is
equivalent to n****r for Arabs and Indians, after the golliwog doll)
XEMU, galactic tyrant and chief villain in INCIDENT2 of O.T.3; Hubbard
sometimes spells it XENU, & variously pronounces it ZEE-MYOO or ZEE-MOO
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
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